Inpatient Rehab
What is Inpatient Rehab?
Inpatient rehab is defined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse as any residential addiction treatment program that provides care 24 hours a day, generally in non-hospital settings, with planned lengths of stay anywhere between 2 and 12 months. These residential programs are considered intensive treatments due to the full immersion that is required of clients. Inpatient treatment is typically the next step after a client completes detox, but before a client transitions into an outpatient program.
Benefits of Inpatient Rehab
Immersion into a residential rehab center allows clients to fully focus on attaining long-term recovery, practice accountability among peers, and find solidarity within a group of similarly afflicted people. Residential addiction treatment is also highly effective in preventing relapse. According to the Center for Health Care Evaluation, studies estimate that relapse rates range from 50 to 80% in the absence of addiction treatment.
During an inpatient treatment program, clients will be housed comfortably within a facility, complete with apartment-style residence rooms and common areas. During this early stage of addiction treatment, full engagement within a new environment is imperative in developing new and necessary coping skills needed throughout recovery. While in a residential program, most days are structured to include various therapies, workshops, group activities, and free time. The client works with an addiction specialist to make a determination as to the best treatment approach based on the client’s individual needs.
Is Inpatient Rehab Right For Me?
Inpatient rehab programs work best for individuals who have completed some form of detox and have yet to enter a professional addiction treatment center. These residential programs allow full immersion into treatment without outside distractions or the threat of encountering external triggers. Studies show that receiving addiction treatment within a qualified facility decreases the likelihood of relapse significantly.
If you are considering inpatient rehab for yourself or a loved one but have questions, concerns, or want to find a residential program near you, call us today. We at Rehab Carolinas are experienced in substance abuse and addiction and are here to help.