How to Spot an Opioid Overdose

How to Spot an Opioid Overdose

Would you be able to tell the difference between your loved one sleeping it off or having an opioid overdose? While overdoses may seem like something easy to identify many happen and go untreated because the people around them simply don’t understand what’s happening. It’s difficult to tell if someone is high or in the…

Is Addiction Contagious?

Is Addiction Contagious?

Not in the way that you might catch a cold or a virus, but are the people close to addicts more likely to become addicts? There is some truth in this theory, it’s not uncommon for a rehab center to see multiple generations, spouses, friends, and siblings rotate through for treatment often for the same…

Understanding Connection as Part of Your Recovery

Understanding Connection as Part of Your Recovery

People with alcohol use disorder experience something that many people without addiction can’t comprehend. The disassociation with one of society’s most common factors of life can make it impossible to socialize the way that others do. Additionally, alcoholics must face their primary trigger (alcohol) at nearly every family function, social gathering, or networking event. Understanding…