People You Meet in a Rehabilitation Program | Rehab Carolinas

People You Meet in Recovery

Can you meet people in a rehabilitation program and make friends or start lasting relationships? Different recovery centers have different opinions on the people you meet in recovery. You’ll likely run into the same types of people or people with similar backgrounds.


Every 12-step meeting or rehabilitation program is likely to have the same types of people again and again. Circumstances and backgrounds may change, but how they make you feel and how they impact your recovery will often stay the same.


The One-Upper

You shared a personal story that was bad, but then this person came in and made your addiction seem like a walk in the park. The one-upper is a person who ran multiple companies, maybe had stints in jail, spent days or weeks on benders, and have lost and re-earned more money than you can ever imagine.


The one-upper brings a pep into meetings that seem to have run dry or are full of newbies that are hesitant to share. Their inclination to downplay other people’s drug experiences may even make it easier to share. The downside is that it’s difficult to believe anything they say.


The Person Addicted to Addiction

Some people are indeed predisposed to addiction. However, if someone is running from one meeting to another, they may just be recreating the beginning of Fight Club. An addiction to 12-step programs is possible, and you’ve likely met someone like this in recovery.


These people will often keep their many addictions at by attending every meeting possible. They live and breathe the program, and they genuinely help other people get on board. However, they put off aspects of life because they will often live in fear of triggers. The people addicted to addiction will flit from one issue to another with problems maintaining a diet because of food addiction, and trouble is interacting with people because of sex addiction.


The Too Happy Person

Recovery is not pleasant but this person seems to be strolling right through. It’s difficult. A constant struggle with many obstacles daily and that makes it hard for anyone to be generally happy much less as delighted as this person. However, there is always someone in recovery or in a meeting that is aggravatingly happy. You may even feel guilty for not sharing in their joy or bringing them down. Don’t because it’s likely that he’s riding the initial high of sobriety. They’re happy to have accomplished their most recent feat. You have probably been this person or will be this person at some point.


The Mandatory Recovering Addict

Someone in mandatory recovery is not going to take the opportunity seriously. They can make it hard for people who are ready to recover to make meaningful progress. Usually, these people work outpatient programs to get a doctor or speaker to sign off on bail terms or probationary conditions. What happens after a meeting or counseling session? They are probably indulging in their drug of choice or are staying sober just long enough to escape the threats of the criminal justice system.


The Relapser

They’re hard to spot in meetings as the usual crowd rotates so frequently, but you’ll no doubt notice these types in outpatient programs. They really want to change. They just can’t seem to manage it.


The signs of the constant relapser include a thorough knowledge of the program with waves of shame and questioning following each relapse. Usually, these types of people struggle internally with self-esteem or self-worth, and they may have come from a home with addiction.


The Cautionary Tale Person

So you’re chatting a little bit and mention that you have a book club, meet friends after work, or attend classes at a gym. Then this person has a story about how something as innocent as attending a spinning class led to a relapse. For this person, everything is a trigger, and that’s an integral part of their recovery. That awareness can help them make decisions about avoiding and confronting specific triggers.


However, don’t let their triggers impact your life. If you’ve never had a gym session lead to a drink, then you’re probably in the clear. The cautionary tale person is very serious about their recovery, and they’re serious about yours too, but that doesn’t mean everyone shares the same triggers.


Get Involved

You can start participating in a rehabilitation program tailored to work for you now. Contact Rehab Carolinas to find a mix of therapy, counseling, and treatment that will help you towards a sober lifestyle.